FIRE is not a Fancy Instagram Reel Experience. It’s about getting free so you can share your energy, your creativity, and your wisdom with the world. When you’re racing to reach financial independence you just might be missing the big picture.

Once you get over the rainbow and find the pot of gold, life keeps on going. If you lack meaning you stop growing. And without purpose, life will feel pointless.

How do we know all this? Because we’ve been there. We’ve been time-rich and FI for a long time. We’ve been up. We’ve been down. We’ve seen the dark night of the moneyed soul. We’ve had the break-downs and done the soul-searching. We have scars and we have stories.

Deep down, what you really want is to love and be loved, to find your true self, and to leave this world better than you found it. Amazingly, you can enrich yourself while also enriching the lives of others. You can be wealthy and healthy while serving a cause greater than yourself.

We’re glad you’re here and we’re here to help.

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